Personal Projects and Diary Drawings
A set of 22 Tarot-type advice cards with an interpretation booklet. Tarot cards are said to be most useful when they connect strongly to the interpreting individual so I painted these cards to look like trinkets that hold great emotional value to me. Click picture for link to the project website.
Egg self-portrait in the honour of the UK clown egg registry.
Roots - an extensive project into roots; both the form as well as the symbolic meanings of the word.
Click images for project websites which include idea stage with references: idea farm, process work week by week: evolution and the finished pieces: outcome.
This project culminated in the creation of Root Shoes and two risograph zines exploring the theme through collage, intaglio prints, photography and more.
Uncomfortable conformity - Inspired by Malvina Reynolds’ song Little Boxes, I created several posters and gifs, capturing the sense of being trapped in societal expectations, also experimenting with printing techniques from stencils to carved sweet potato stamps.
"Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same"
The Tallest Witch in Town. Creating a character for a friend's play with the prompt:
"tavallisen epätavallinen taruhahmo" ("usual yet unusual story character").
Inspired by the body, organs, and different materials.
From playing with lino printing, carbon paper, monotypia and embroidery to whittling cheddar.
Life-drawing with coloured pencils, pencils and pens.
Love, Lines and Limitations, a collection of collages.
A profile dedicated to make free portraits for the people of Tinder. An ongoing project.
Shoelfies and colour-matching.
Cut, paste and edit, a workshop with Naomi Vona aka Mariko Koda.
WARNING: flashing imagery coming up
Resin painter Bruce Riley's work, press image to visit his website
Reconfigurations, press image for more process work. Animated work is a gif compression of screenshots from the full animation, press it for full version on instagram.
Living and Breathing - Imaginary organisms. From an ink painting
Reconfigurations, press image for more process work. Animated work is a gif compression of screenshots from the full animation, press it for full version on instagram.
to a digital collage.
The Black Box, 2023

Fragmented realities sewn into one. We’re only ever peeking into the lives of others and as their existence extends beyond our reach, we take the role of an artist. The goal may be likeness but even in mental portraits, some angles remain hidden.

Multimedia piece with a hexagon projector box, audio with interviews and a short film on a quilted screen.

Click the gif for a link to the project website.
Puolikielinen (semi lingual. lit. translation from Finnish: Half tongued), 2022 is an interactive salt dough sculpture exhibited in a group show titled Fragments of Human at the IMT gallery in London.
The work speaks to how children are moulded in early education and their voices being amplified or stifled in the process.
Clarity x Distance,
a multimedia video and an artist's book